

New Book Release! Unstoppable: Sons of the King Daily Devotionals

New Book Release! Unstoppable: Sons of the King Daily Devotionals

Sons of the King Daily Devotionals, a writing ministry that reaches men all over the world, has released its’ first devotional book, Unstoppable! Within this book are 365 God-inspired devotionals, prophetic messages, and prayers, in chronological order, that will encourage you toward a rewarding life of obedience. Order your copy today!

Sons of the Daily Devotionals


Joy Comes in the Morning

“…weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning.” Psalm 30:5

You may have cried many tears over the course of your life, but hear and receive the Word of the Lord today. Your tears are being wiped away, and the Son is rising in your life. See His love for you and see His light shining on you. You have cried many nights, but joy does come in the morning. No matter how you feel and no matter what you are going through, God has heard you and He is turning it around. He is turning your mourning into dancing and your sorrow into joy. He is giving you beauty for ashes. Yes, He is. What the enemy has meant for your bad, God is turning it around for your good. He is letting you know that He is with you and He is for you. “You will dance again,” God says. “You will laugh and smile again! You will leap for joy at how I bring you through! You’ve cried many tears. Now, lift up your head and see My glory rising upon your life! See how I make all things new! See My victory in your life! Speak and declare from your mouth words of faith instead of words of defeat. Praise Me! For this is a special time in your life.”

Prayer: Father, I thank You for speaking to me. I speak it now, I will win! I am victorious through Jesus! I will see You glorified in my life. Take away all heaviness from me Father God and fill me with Your joy. Take away all sadness, all madness, and give me gladness of heart. I set my eyes on You and Your precious Son-rise in my life! Hallelujah! In Jesus’ name, Amen.

(Read Isaiah 61:3; Genesis 50:20)


He’s done it before, He is doing it again!

“Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.” Isaiah 43:19

My sister, you’ve seen the LORD come through for you many times over the course of your life. You’ve seen how He has made a way out of no way for you. Don’t pretend like you don’t know what your God can do. If He’s done it before, He is doing it again! Right now!

The Word of God promises that He makes a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert. Just when you’re fighting not to feel discouraged because there seems to be no way, God causes you to look up and see the way He’s made for you. God’s not going to make a way, He has already made a way, and it’s now up to you to ask Him to open your eyes and help you see the way He has made. Don’t lean to your understanding. Allow God to show you what He wants you to see. He’s not worried, and neither should you.

Prayer: Lord, I know you’ve made a way for me. Open my eyes and help me see your way and grace me to walk in it. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

(Read Proverbs 3:5-6)


The Power of Your Praise

“Let everything that has breath and every breath of life praise the Lord! Praise the Lord! (Hallelujah!)” Psalm 150:6, Amplified

One meaning of “praise” is to shine; to make a show; to boast; to be (clamorously) foolish; to rave; and to celebrate. The Bible says, “Let everything that has breath praise (shine, make a show, boast, be clamorously foolish, rave, and celebrate) the Lord!”

I love my husband. He loves to praise God. He has no problem running, jumping, shouting and leaping. When he dances for the Lord, instead of standing at a distance feeling embarrassed, I jump right in with him. He looks like he’s doing the funky chicken and I look like I’m stomping bugs on the floor, but we don’t care. We love to praise God and be clamorously foolish because we have discovered the power of praise!

I remember when we moved into a rental home and had no furniture. Instead of murmuring and complaining, we called our children into the empty living room, and explained that we were going to praise God as a family. We shouted, lifted our voices and praised God, and two weeks later, our living room was full of furniture!

God honors us when we honor Him. He loves the sound of our voices. He loves the sound of our stomps on the floor and the clap of our hands. He comes in and lives in our praises. You don’t need music to praise Him, you can praise Him right where you are! Just lift your hands and praise the Lord!

Shout “Hallelujah! Thank you Jesus! Glory to God!”


Jesus is your perfection.

“The Lord GOD is my strength [my source of courage, my invincible army]; He has made my feet [steady and sure] like hinds’ feet and makes me walk [forward with spiritual confidence] on my high places [of challenge and responsibility]” Habakkuk 3:19, Amplified.

Say this with me, “Jesus is my perfection. Jesus is my righteousness.”

Knowing that Jesus is your perfection removes the unfair demands you’ve placed on yourself and others to be perfect. Maybe you’ve been letting your issues get the best of you. You’ve been striving to be everything you should be, but as long as you are in this world, you will be imperfect needing God’s grace and mercy. So lighten up on yourself. Keep putting on Christ and understand Jesus is your perfection!

Talk to God with me…

Father God, I thank you for speaking to my heart. Forgive me for any unrealistic demands of perfection I’ve placed on myself or others. Thank you for reminding that Jesus is my perfection. I put on Christ right now. I put on the new man right now. I choose to keep moving forward while you work on the areas in my life that don’t please you. Jesus has been made unto me wisdom, righteousness, sanctification and redemption. Thank you, Lord! In Jesus’ name, Amen.

(Listen to the “Who I Am in Christ” Audio on our devotional app)

(Read Hebrews 13:21; 1 Corinthians 1:30; Romans 13:14; Ephesians 4:24; Philippians 3:13-14)


A Special Prayer for You

“Father God, I pray for your daughter who is reading this right now. I pray you give her the eyes of Jesus. Help her to see people with your eyes. Help her to see right. Give her the ears of Jesus. Help her to hear what you would have her hear. Help her hear right. Give her the heart of Jesus. Help her to love. Give her the mind of Jesus. Help her perceive situations right and focus on you. Give her the hands of Jesus. Help her to lay hands on the sick and believe you to heal them. Help her go farther than she’s ever gone, love more than she’s ever loved, and do more than she’s ever done. Help her light to be seen and felt by all around her. Help her to stay true to who you’ve made her to be. Help my sister, Lord, help my friend to be more like Jesus every single day. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”

(Read Isaiah 11:3; Mark 16:18; John 15:8; John 6:37)


More than you can imagine.

“And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be.” Revelation 22:12

Imagine for a moment that you’ve waited on the Lord, and now He has come for you. Imagine that you overcame every obstacle, and you fought until the very end. You gave it all you had, and now you can enjoy His reward and His rest. Now, imagine you are standing with a crown on your head, dressed in a royal robe. You are beyond thankful. You look to your right, and you see a long line of people entering into His gates. You ask, “Lord, who are all of these people?” He looks at you with a smile and says, “These are the ones your life touched. These are the ones you prayed for to be saved and to come into My Kingdom.” You look, trying to see the end of the line of people, but you’re not able to see an end. You’ve impacted so many for the Lord.

With tears, I tell you with all sincerity, my sister. You are impacting more lives than you realize. When God says, He will do exceeding abundantly above all that you can ask or think, He means it. He is using everything in your life to bless someone and to bring glory to His name. Your life matters greatly in God’s Kingdom, and one day you will see how much it does. Keep enduring and keep waiting patiently for the return of your Lord. He says, “I am coming soon. Hold on, and don’t faint. I am your strength as you wait.”

Prayer: Yes, Lord. Thank you for speaking to my heart. I receive your words and your deep encouragement. I receive your strength and the help of your Holy Ghost. Thank you for giving me a second wind. Thank you one day I will see you face to face, but until that day, help me to finish my course with joy and finish the race you’ve set before me. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

(Read James 5:7; Acts 20:24)


A Message from God’s Heart for You

“I will help you stay the course. I will help you not veer to the left or to the right. As you keep your eyes on Me and as you keep yourself hidden in Me, I will help you make progress. True progress. That’s what you seek, and that’s what I will give. I provide a change in the heart and in the mind. I provide transformation of the life and I make an exchange with you that can not be undone. I take your burdens and I give you My joy. I take your captivity and I give you My freedom. Don’t you see? In Me, you live, move and have your being. So stay in Me. Stay in Me. Stay in Me. If you abide in Me and My words abide in you, daughter, you can ask whatever you will and it will be done to you, for you, in you, and through you. Let Me do in you what I’ve been desiring to do. Draw close and hide in Me, and you will be safe from all harm. No enemy can remove you from your secret place in Me. No enemy can pluck you from My hand. No enemy can separate you from My love. No enemy can change or alter My course for your life. It is set. The stage is set. My plans for you are set. Come to Me and eat of My Word, and drink of Me. I will fill you completely and satisfy every area of your life. You will hunger no more. You will thirst no more, and your joy will be made full to the overflowing. You will overflow with Me. That’s what the people in your life are waiting to see. My sons and daughters are being revealed and it is a great unveiling that is taking place. There’s so much more for you to taste and see. Stay in Me. Stay in Me. Stay in Me, says the Spirit of the Lord.”

“If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you” John 15:7, ESV.

(Scripture references: Acts 17:28; Romans 8:19; Isaiah 55:2; John 10:29)


My sister, you can’t stay where you are.

“I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 3:14

If you’ve ever seen the Indian Jones movies, you had the main character looking for treasure and being met with all sorts of danger in the process. However, there’s one scene that really stands out to me. It’s when he is crossing over a bridge, and he sees the bridge being destroyed behind him. He runs forward, knowing if he stands still, he will die.

When it comes to obeying God and doing what He’s called you to do, I would like for you to remember this image. See God’s will in front of you and destruction behind you, which can be getting caught up in sin, or experiencing unnecessary hardship. My sister, you can’t stay where you are. You’ve got to move forward into God’s purpose and plan. If you stand still in fear, doubt and unbelief, you open a door for the enemy to operate in your life. That’s not God’s will for you. It is His will that you have life and life to the full.

Prayer: Thank you, Lord, for speaking directly to my heart. I know I can’t stay where I am. I have to move forward. Help me, Lord. I rebuke any spirit that is keeping me from obeying you. And I yield to you completely. I say yes to your will and choose to move forward into your purpose and plan for my life. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

(Read Hebrews 12:1; Proverbs 5:22; Psalm 103:4)


How do you stay humble?

“Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and he shall lift you up.”

“Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you.” James 4:8

Whenever I go visit the ocean, I am reminded of how small I am in comparison to the vast ocean I see before me. God’s creation humbles me. This is one reason the Lord wants us to spend time with Him daily. It is because it helps us stay humble. Every moment we spend in the presence of an almighty God, we are reminded of who we are in comparison to Him. Seeing His glory and His goodness will humble us. Seeing His hand on our lives and how far He has brought us will humble us. And when we are humbled, we receive loads and loads of grace and mercy.

However, when we don’t visit with Him in prayer, that’s when we find ourselves thinking of ourselves more highly than we ought to think. We find ourselves forgetting who we are in comparison to an almighty God. This incorrect view of ourselves is the result of not visiting with God in a while.

Come on, my sister. Let’s visit with our Lord today, and be humbled by His glory and be blessed with His grace and mercy. And when anyone asks, how do you stay humble? Tell them, I draw near to God in prayer. The beautiful sight of the Lord humbles me.

Prayer: Father God, thank you for your love and care for me. I draw near to you, and I ask that you will draw near to me. As I look upon you and see your goodness and mercy, I am humbled. Forgive me for not visiting with you. I receive your forgiveness and love. I ask that you keep me close to your side, Lord, and help me stay humble. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

(Read James 4:6-7; Romans 12:3)