
A gifted encourager and a friend.

“For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago” Ephesians 2:10, New Living Translation.

Years ago, while making a life map, I began to write down the areas of my life that God had given me to be a blessing in the earth. I listed: women’s ministry, family, music, art, books, and business. Then my daughter came and sat next to me, “Mommy, you forgot to add ‘Friends’”, she said. “God wants us to spend time with our friends.” Then she instructed me to write it at the very top. Tears began to well up in my eyes because I knew she was right. What she didn’t know was that I didn’t forget. I excluded it on purpose. The Lord was using her to minister to my heart because I was beginning to give up on one of the most meaningful areas of my life—friendship.

When things happen, it can cause us to change into what we hate. But I challenge you the same way my daughter challenged me to not let negative situations change who you are. You will be miserable if you do.

Stay true to who you are.

I had to make a decision to stop trying to change myself based on life experiences, and be who God made me to be—a gifted encourager and a friend. No matter what the enemy has tried to do in distorting your views based on your experiences, take a firm stand against him and be who God made you to be.

Challenge: Make a life map. Write down the areas that God has given you to be a blessing in the earth.

Prayer: Father God, forgive me for trying to change who I am. You created me, formed and fashioned me. Correct any distorted view that I have on friendship based on past experiences, and help me stay true to who I am in You. In Jesus Name, Amen.

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