Father God, I pray with all my heart for your daughter reading this right now. I pray you give her the eyes of Jesus. Help her to see people with your eyes. Help her to see people’s need for you and not their sin. Give her the ears of Jesus. Help her to hear what people aren’t saying, more than what they are saying. Give her the heart of Jesus. Help her to genuinely love people and be patient with their growth. Give her the mind of Jesus. Help her perceive situations right. Give her the hands of Jesus. Help her to lay hands on the sick and believe you to heal them. Give her the courage of Jesus. Help her to touch the untouchable, love the unlovable, and reach the unreachable. Help her go farther than she’s ever gone. You live within her. Help her to believe. Let your light within her be seen and felt by all. Help my sister, Lord, help my friend to be more like Jesus every day. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
(Read Isaiah 11:3; Mark 16:18; John 15:8; John 6:37)