
Dear Friend

“And as you wish that others would do to you, do so to them” Luke 6:31, ESV.

Today, I challenge you to give people the benefit of the doubt. As much as you may want to get on every small thing that someone does to you, I challenge you to be patient and give people room to make mistakes. Before you rush to conclude someone doesn’t care for you, think of all that they have going on in their lives and all you’ve been through with them. Before you rush to conclude, God is not on your side, think about all Jesus went through to show you He cares a great deal. Look at your hands. Look at your feet. You’re alive.

It’s time to get a grip on reality and see situations for what they really are, not just how you want them to be. In a perfect world, people act how they’re supposed to act, but that’s not reality. We live in a fallen world, and without Jesus, we are only out to protect and preserve self. We all need Jesus to teach us how to love, how to live, and how to respond like Him. It’s going to be alright. Keep your bearings about you. Keep your head. Keep your eyes focused on Jesus, and you will stay in peace. Let Him help you believe the best of people and see their heart.

Prayer: Father God, thank you for comforting and encouraging me. Help me see people’s heart, not just their actions. Help me not to be so critical and judgmental. Help me to process situations right. Help me, Lord, to treat others the way I want to be treated. Help me to give people the benefit of the doubt. I want you to be glorified in my life, but I know I have to humble myself and yield to you. So I do that now. Help me, Lord. In Jesus name, Amen.

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