“For all of God’s promises have been fulfilled in Christ with a resounding “Yes!” And through Christ, our “Amen” (which means “Yes”) ascends to God for his glory”, 2 Corinthians 1:20, New Living Translation.
Many times we won’t bring certain things to God because we don’t want Him to tell us “No”. We think to ourselves, “What if He tells me not to marry him?”, “What if He tells me to stay at my crazy job?”, “What if He tells me not to purchase the home?”, “What if He tells me to let go of those friends?” Because there are things we really want in life and desire to do, we find ourselves hoping that God wants the same.
You don’t have to live your life fearful to hear “No” from a loving Father that has your best interest at heart. He loves you more than anything and knows you better than anyone. His best is always so much better than what you would have chosen for yourself.
A “No” from God can save your life, can save you time and money, can save you unnecessary frustration and pain, and can put you on a smooth course in life. Don’t pray for Him to approve anything you want. Instead, ask Him to show you what He wants for you. When you do this, He’ll begin to reveal to you His plans and will give you clear instructions on how to receive His plans for your life. He’ll then give you His blessing in what He has told you to do.
Prayer: Father, Thank you for having my best in mind. I know you love me and have only the best in mind for me. Help me not to fear hearing you tell me “No”. Help me to learn your character and your love. Your perfect will for my life is what I want more than anything and that is what I receive. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Challenge: Instead of focusing on everything God has said “no” to, focus on everything He has said “yes” to.