
Don’t go there!

“Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good.” Romans 12:21

Some people are like kids on an elevator, they will push every emotional button on you, never realizing they are being used by the enemy. When everything in you wants to react in a negative way, don’t go there. Walk away. Remember, whoever overcomes you controls you (see 2 Peter 2:19).

There have been times I have literally cried in my time alone with God because He wanted me to love someone I wanted to hate. He wanted me to do good when I wanted to get even. I wanted to be overcome by evil and show that I’m not a doormat, but His Spirit within me wouldn’t let me go there. Oh thank God for the Holy Ghost! Oh thank God for His help in keeping our flesh under! When God’s Spirit truly lives in us, we can’t do whatever we want to do and say whatever we want to say. We submit to God’s rule in our hearts, saying “Yes” to Him no matter how we feel about it (see Colossians 3:15).

You have influence in this world. Someone, even if it’s one person, is watching you and your example. Don’t give evil nonsense a moment of your time. It’s not worth it. Receive God’s help to overcome evil with good. Choose to live the life God has called you to live. Move forward into doing what He has purposed you to do. Remember, don’t go there!

Prayer: Father God, I thank you for the help of your Holy Spirit. You loved me enough to put your Spirit within me to guide me through life. When everything in me wants to act ugly, help me Lord to stay in the Spirit and not go there. I rebuke all strife and wrath and I yield to no other spirit but yours. Be glorified in me. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

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