“Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from me you can do nothing.” John 15:5
You’re not trying to connect to God, you are already intricately connected to Him and He is already intricately interwoven into every aspect of your life. However, if you use your feelings as a determining factor, you will believe that you are disconnected from Him and end up experiencing the results of a reality that is not true.
Everything God has said about you is true. Everything. What He said about your past, what He said about your present, and what He said about your future is true, including the truth that He is the vine and you are the branch. You are not becoming one with the Father, you are already one with the Father because of Jesus. No matter what your feelings say, you are one with His love. You are one with His grace. You are one with His purpose and plan.
God promised to never leave you and He promised to never forsake you. He will never remove Himself from being one with you. Even on your worst day, He is interwoven into every fiber of your being, and He isn’t going anywhere.
Prayer: Thank you, Father, that we are one. No matter what my feelings say, it blesses me to know that we are one. Thank you that you will never leave me or remove yourself from me. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
(Read Deuteronomy 31:8; John 17:21-23)