“For God knew his people in advance, and he chose them to become like his Son, so that his Son would be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters” Romans 8:29, NLT.
Our destiny is to look like Jesus on the inside and to behave like Jesus on the outside. Many of us are spiritual powerhouses, can pray the house down, sing the roof off, hang off the chandeliers when we praise the Lord, and can administrate duties with a spirit of excellence. We appear like strong mighty lions, but who are we inwardly? Do we love just as loud? Forgive just as strong? Are we as obedient to God as our prayers are powerful? These are issues of the heart that matter most to God.
The nuts and bolts of a woman of character is how she responds when it’s time to let go, how she behaves when she doesn’t get her way, how she responds when her gift and calling is ignored, and what she does when she makes a mistake. Our deepest cry must be, “Lord, beautify and adorn me inwardly. Make me what you consider beautiful. Have your way in me.”
God wants to break off everything that doesn’t look like Him. The lying has to stop. The bad attitude, the unforgiveness and bitterness, the sexual promiscuity, and the pride and arrogance, no ma’am. The selfishness, not you woman of God. No more making a person your idol. Time to tell fear and timidity goodbye. You can be the woman you know in your heart you were created to be. Let God break these things off so you can have His character. You are chosen and predestined for a great work that will bring God great glory, but His work in you is where it all begins.
Prayer: Yes, Lord. Beautify and adorn me inwardly. Cause me to be what you consider beautiful. Have your way in me. Break me down and build me up into a woman of character. I know whatever you reveal to me that needs changing in my heart, you will help change it. I am not alone on this journey. You are with me. Be glorified in me. In Jesus name, Amen.
(Read Proverbs 31:30-31)