
Don’t just stand there and take it.

“Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” James 4:7

The lies of the enemy are like flying missiles at the mind. They are designed to destroy us. They are lies that attack every part of our being. And while he is firing away, the enemy loves for us to suffer in silence. The enemy will try to make us feel like we’re losing our minds, but what is really happening is when we are silent, we are losing the battle in our minds.

Don’t just stand there and take anything off the devil. It’s time we wipe away the tears and take a stand against him. Our stand against the enemy is when we submit to God, resist the devil and watch him flee. It’s a 1-2-3 punch combination that knocks him out…cold. 1) Submit to God by surrendering yourself to Him. 2) Resist the enemy by taking a stand and opening your mouth to speak God’s truth. 3) Then, watch him flee from you. Don’t stop until he leaves you and the peace of God comes in. Jesus kept saying “It is written” until the enemy left him.

We are not weak women. We are strong in Christ. We are strong in the power of His might. We are strong because God calls us strong. We are champion fighters through Jesus. We don’t have to receive another lie from the enemy anymore. We can reject his lies and proclaim the truth of God’s Word!

Prayer: Father God, I submit to you now, I resist the devil, and he flees from me. I reject every single lie he has spoken in my ears and I proclaim the truth of your word. I am strong in Christ, and I am strong in the power of your might. I am not weak, I am a strong woman of God and I will not entertain the enemy’s lies anymore. I take a stand right now against him. You are for me Lord and you are with me. I am who you say I am, and I will do what you said I will do. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

(Read Ephesians 6; Luke 4)

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