“I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me.” Philippians 4:13
It is through Christ that we can do anything God is telling us to do. But you may say, “I don’t feel loving”, I don’t feel strong”, “I don’t feel motivated”, “I don’t feel I can do what God is requiring of me”. Instead of focusing on your feelings, focus on the truth of God’s Word. You can do all things through Christ which strengthens you. Wouldn’t it have been different if Paul would have said, “I can do all things” and just left it at that? But clearly he had a revelation of Christ. Paul’s life and ministry was a true example of grace. He allowed God’s strength to be made perfect in his weaknesses. He allowed grace to assist him in writing a great portion of the New Testament, and it was God’s strength that helped him finish his course with joy! So it is with you. With God’s help you can make it, you can handle it, you can love and forgive, and you can trust God to see you through to victory. Look to Jesus and be made strong!
Prayer: Father, You are my God and I am Your daughter. Thank You for speaking to me today. I receive every Word by faith. No matter how I feel right now, I choose to put my focus on Christ and receive His strength and power to endure, to fight and to win through Christ. Help me remember to encourage others to do the same. I love You and bless You. In Jesus Name, Amen.